Thursday 27 November 2014

The Karaoke Queen

It was a warm Summer evening when I randomly plucked the courage to ask a girl out. People who know me well have learnt that despite my bubbly and outgoing personality, I’m pretty shy when it comes to asking a girl out.

That day, maybe a meteorite hit me but I decided that it was time to find out whether she would answer with that one syllable “Yes!” Oddly enough, she did. I felt elated and we made plans to go out later on that night.

I parked my cabriolet near our meeting point. I was hoping to make a good first impression but she arrived later than anticipated, therefore I had to park my car some place safe to avoid it getting hit or anything.

As I walked back, I noticed her walking a small distance away in front of me. She looked very pretty with her small frame wearing a tight fitting turquoise dress and a black bolero. Her hair was brushed straight and it reached just past her hips. Her make up was also done in shades of blue, even her lipstick. All in all, it was quite a sight to behold. I looked like a ruffian next to her; I wore a simple black dinner jacket with a lavender coloured shirt and black tie.

After chatting for a bit, we set off for a night of food, drinks and… apparently… Karaoke. The food was enjoyable, the drinks too… but nothing prepared me for the Karaoke. I’m an honest man and she had asked for an honest opinion since she wanted to take singing up as a part-time job.

Her singing… Was… Well… Have you ever heard a cat yowl in the middle of the night? Now imagine that this cat had a screech as loud as a BMW coming to a standstill after racing at 150MPH. Till today, I still can’t find the most appropriate terminology to describe her musical skills… She was tone-deaf and had no musical sense… I can barely sing so I admire her courage to get up on stage despite her evident lacking ability.

She went on stage for her third time before returning back to my side after ruining Bon Jovi’s “It’s My Life!” for me. She smiled kindly, “What do you think? I’m good, am I not?” I saw many of the neighbouring patrons looking at me pitifully whilst the table next to us were stifling their laughter at her… passionate singing.

I took a deep breath and looked back at her, holding her gaze steady with mine and said, “I don’t think singing is your vocation. You’re very smart (I assumed… I may have been wrong) and pretty; and I’m sure you have better talents.” It felt as if an electric shock travelled from her shoulder into my palm, and then she stiffened up. Her face contorting into an unrecognisable mess of emotions, resembling Daveigh Chase as Samara in The Ring... I felt the same level of horror and emotion emit from her tiny frame; to the point that I was slightly frightened.

My innocent comment had apparently hit a nerve. Less than 5 seconds later, she screamed that I should die, grabbed her clutch and escaped into the night-life. I remember shaking my head and some of the patrons even offered to help me in my hunt for my date.

I thanked them for their offer but it was my burden to bear. It didn’t take me long to find her. From the little I had gathered about her personality, I checked the neighbouring Karaoke bars and found her lounging in the arms of some stranger who was complimenting what a beautiful and serene voice she had. It seems that she found another tone deaf imbecile to praise her fictional singing skills. I barely caught the words, “…you sing like Stevie Nicks…” before she planted her lips on his.

Two years later, she is the single mother of a 1 ½ year old baby girl, as well as, still dating that same guy.

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