Thursday 13 November 2014

The Beginning of "From Day to Date"

Hi Everybody

Three very sweet girl-friends of mine recently described my love life as a romantic, dramatic and ridiculously funny soap opera (they emphasised this especially).

I’m a bit old-fashioned and am one who still believes in chivalry. Disappointingly enough, women have never taken a liking to it and… well… my choice in dateable women has also never been my forte`...

And like everyone else, I’ve had my own m
ishaps with women and, regretfully enough, made my own mistakes with both women I’ve liked, dated or found merely too young to form a mature and adult sexual and romantic relationship with.

  1. Firsty, I’m not very good with woman or recognising their advances on me.
  2. Secondly, they also describe my love life as being a regular occurrence of mishaps and confusions.
  3. Thirdly, I’ve been described as being excessively and unknowingly charming without intending to be.
  4. Finally, the reason I’m writing this Blog, without my details or those of the ladies of varying ages (all 18+), is through my friends convincing, as well as the antics that form part of my life on a daily basis.
In short, this Blog will be dedicated to writing down my dating life, discussing the good, the bad and the ugly. I’ll limit speaking about the dates that are not worth mentioning or interesting.

In each chapter, you will also get to read the comments of my three friends anonymously named. Their comments will follow from the next post onwards.

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