Sunday, 23 November 2014

Hulk’s Sister likes to “Smash! Bash! Drink!”

This is my first post!

A few weeks ago, I was sitting down at the counter of a quiet pub whilst waiting for a few friends. I was enjoying a nice long drink, listening to the enjoyable tune of ACDC’s Highway to Hell. Funnily enough that song was a sentiment to the rest of my night.

I have always believed that a woman’s eyes are the window to the soul… The eyes that I saw that unfortunate night were simply… Indescribable… It was like looking into the dead, lifeless eyes of the female hulk – and not the green sexy one… I mean the female version of Bruce Banner with the big muscles and huge bulky frame.

I felt the ground shake a little, my drink rocked slightly and as I turned round I looked into those eyes. The first words she spoke were guttural and sounded strangely masculine. I blinked a few moments and had to take a step back to see her entire frame… Her face was attractive enough but the rest of her was not matching it…

She declared loudly to me, “Drinks! On me!” Unfortunately, I immediately took it as a single sentence and looked at her widely. My first thought was that she really wanted me to lick a drink off her body… The first problem that was directed towards me was that there was a lot of her (I’m not proud of that thought) and the second being that I did not find her sexually attractive at all.

Moments later, I realised my mistake and told her politely and curtly, “I’m sorry but I‘m waiting for someone.” I smiled back before turning back to sit back at the counter to continue my drink. I supposed that she too had returned back to her company of friends but her gaze was still digging deeply in my back.  I felt a hard tap on my shoulder, followed by it being clasped tightly… I was sure that it had been wrenched from its socket.

I stood up and made a sharp turn before asking her, “Is there anything I can help you out with it?” She smiled, nodded and pointed towards her friends. I courteously refused but she still shoved me forward. I ended up seated between Hulk’s Sister and her dainty comrade. The talk at the table had suddenly focused on me and my love life. It was slightly… Awkward…

I picked up my phone and silently messaged a flamboyant buddy to help me out. I switched his name with my father’s and he texted me that there was an emergency with some made-up colleagues. I silently thanked him for the excuse but I hoped that the two names he used would not let the cat out of the bag. The two names he used were... Polly and Babel

I excused myself from the party and as I was freed from the oestrogen rich atmosphere, Hulkess had decided that she needed to be a part of my inexistent trip to the Emergency department. She grabbed me by the shoulders, lifted me off the floor and offered some moral support; although not needed, it was a sweet gesture. This gesture would have been pleasanter had I been standing on the ground and not had most of the regulars laugh at me as I’m flailing like a Ken doll in the air.

The moment she let me out of her vice-like grasp, I expressed my thanks and quickly rushed off and took the long circuit to another pub further away.

The kicker at the end of the night was the fact that I owed my flamboyant friend a favour… Of which he requested my presence immediately. As much as I love the guy (in a non-homosexual manner - i.e. bromance-sort of thing) , he requested a full blown kiss with tongue. I am very comfortable with my heterosexuality but he seemed to enjoy the idea of having homosexuality brought upon a straight guy.

Kitty B: I have forced him to admit that he did not kiss him but rather he ran away after giving his friend a kiss on his cheek.

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